"*sigh*... let's see... 5 miles wide... plus 2... divide the oranges amongst 4... no... so, 5 miles wide..."
"*sigh*... didn't dig far enough... Alan is not going to like this..."
"Alan your boss or something?"
"What? Oh... no, he's my... no- nevermind. I shouldn't be talking."
"Don't worry about it. You look like you could use a drink."

"*sigh*... well... I suppose maybe one wouldn't hurt..."
"Have a seat... this first one's on the house."
"Thanks, pal... I really appreciate it."
"Don't mention it... Now, this drink may taste a little odd at first... it's an old recipe... I think you'll like it, though... I'll give you two... you're gonna want two... at least two... drink it fast before it evaporates."
"Hmm... it does taste a little weird... I mean, it's good- don't get me wrong... it just kind of tastes like... well, I guess it sort of tastes like... dirt...?"
"Yes, well... that will go away, the more you drink... I'll make a couple more... you have to drink it quickly, though... it evaporates so fast... I just don't want to waste it... now, tell me- what was Alan having you bury?"

"I can't... I can't say... I mean, I can say... but I can't... saaaayyyy... do you know what I'm saying?"
"But, you didn't bury anything, did you, Tom? You just kept digging, didn't you? It's okay, Tom... you can talk about it now... it's all over..."
"All over..."
"Ya know, I think I will have another drink... one more for the road..."
"I think you'll really like this one, Tom..."
"As long as it doesn't taste like dirt... it smells like dirt too... I think I'll have it, though... I just have ta... have ta... remember... I'm s'posed ta rememberrrr... I don't rememberrrrr... I think I'll have that drink now..."
"Well? What do you think? Did that hit the spot?"
"I don't feel good..."

"Something's happening... I can feel something happening here... this isn't right... I've already been here... what's going on...? What did you do to me?"

"We've been expecting you, Tom. You stumbled upon something you shouldn't have, didn't you?"
"Tom, we're going to have to come to some sort of compromise here..."
"You! I've been here before... something's not right... what do you want with me?"
"Tom, I want you to try and remember... before it's too late..."
"Too late... what... are you talking... oh, God... what is happening... what... is happening--..."

"What now?"
"Well, sir... you can certainly order a drink if you'd like... otherwise, I can close your tab... it's up to you."

"Is there someone there...?
"oh, God..."
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